Look! Look what I’ve done!! The words of an eight year old as he holds up the drawing of a vibrant red fire engine. Oh Graham, that’s wonderful.
Really? Oh this is good. You draw a picture and you get a reaction. I could get into this! And so it began. The seed was planted, further watered by bedtime rituals of propping pillows up against his bedroom wall getting into bed to get lost in a family members reading of The Wind in the Willows.
An unintended lesson learned through those readings that our intrepid illustrator still calls upon in his illustration work is that the viewer will take different things from the illustration and he will add elements to the illustration that may go over some heads, but others will catch them and smile. There’s always something to look at.
A graduate of the illustration program at Sheridan College in Ontario, Graham began his career as a designer for Canadian publisher McClelland & Stewart. Growing disenchanted with living in the Big Smoke Graham moved back to his hometown of Ottawa, Ontario to contemplate his next career move.
It was in Ottawa, that Graham began his freelance illustration and graphic design career. A career that has spawned illustrations for such publishers as Orca Book Publishers, Scholastic Canada, and Meadowside Books of the United Kingdom, as well as numerous Canadian government agencies and private design firms.
He lives in Merrickville, Ontario with circus star family. His juggling wife, a hell-driver daughter, a canine cannonball, and a fire breathing cat.
Graham Ross is represented by Robbin Brosterman — to work with Graham please email Robbin