Richy Sanchez Ayala is from the Dominican Republic. Being born in a tiny island in the Caribbean can be very overwhelming. The world feels so immense when you truly think about it; and Richy had the fortune of seeing some of it at an early age. Because of this he learned two things: To appreciate his beloved slice of paradise, but also to seek new horizons in order to improve. Richy moved to the states to pursue art in New York, and then moved to San Francisco to focus on the art of animation. He is very eager to continue to hone his craft and eventually contribute to the cartoons and books he loves so dearly.
Art is always and extension of oneself. No matter how hard the artist tries, there is always a little piece of their souls that bleeds into the work. Richy’s art is no exception, be it visual development for animation or illustration, there is always a piece of him in there. His illustrations celebrate his caribbean heritage and his ideas of a bright future through the use of digital painting. To be more specific, the child inside him always manages to sneak into his work. Richy embraces this. He likes to keep that part of him alive and everybody who is close to him knows that he cannot let go of that goofy kid.
That is what art should be.
Art should be a world where we can embrace the true essence of ourselves without any rules or judgements. When people look at any piece Richy creates, he wants them to have a peek into who he is, he wants them to look inside themselves and get in touch with that inner child we all tend to hide, He wants them to say “I remember feeling this way when I was a kid eating cereal on a Saturday morning”… If he accomplishes this with at least one person, then he’ll know he finally made a successful piece of art.
Richy Sanchez Ayala is represented by Susan Penny — to work with Richy please email Susan