Anna Quaranta is an illustrator born and raised in northern Italy among fields and cities.
She started drawing when she discovered, as a child, that on the white wall of the kitchen a wax crayon left a very good trace. However, since her mother preferred the walls to be immaculate, she had to start drawing on a white sheet of paper instead. Since that moment, drawing has never ceased to be her strong point for communicating and translating the world.
Now she prefers watercolours and coloured pencils to create colour combinations and textures that can move sweet and nostalgic emotions.
She studied traditional graphic at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan and attended the Mimaster editorial illustration master.
For Anna, everything is potential inspiration. In fact, in her spare time she loves to get lost in her favourite forms of art: movies, music and nature.
Anna is represented by Alex Gehringer — to work with her please email Alex