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Carys Bexington

Carys was born and raised near the Jurassic Coast in west Dorset.

She spent her childhood climbing every single tree in the fields around her family’s old and draughty farm house, filling jotter after jotter with illustrated stories of her adventures. Her drawing skills have not improved, however, she hopes that her rhyming tales capture the love she has for a good old fashioned quest and her soft spot for characters who don’t necessarily always make the best choices.

Carys’ debut picture book is ‘The Night Before Christmas in Wonderland’, (Macmillan Children’s Books, 2019). Other books include ‘Hot Cross Bunny’ (Happy Yak).

Carys continues to write picture books, and is currently working on her debut middle grade.

Carys Bexington is represented by Amy Fitzgerald — to work with Carys please email Amy

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