The Biggest Breakfast: A Look Behind the Book
last updated 21 March 2025
As a second-to-none picture book creator, Richard Jones has touched the hearts of millions worldwide. His latest story The Biggest Breakfast is a warm, utterly delightful new picture book that includes a fun count-along element, shout-along sound words and a jam-packed fold-out page.
This beautiful book is officially out now, published by Simon and Schuster UK! We spoke with Richard, represented by Susan Penny, to find out what it was like bringing this project to life. Read below to find out.
What inspired you to create The Biggest Breakfast? Was there a specific moment or idea that sparked the story?
The idea for the story grew out of lots of little experiences of feeding wildlife in my garden. Although I don’t live deep in the the countryside, animals choose to wander through my garden regularly. It started with birds and the occasional mouse, but soon I was feeding a family of badgers, squirrels and pair of gentle foxes. I love doing it, but on a couple of occasions, I’ve caught myself whining “who’s going to make breakfast for me?”
Can you share a bit about the inspiration for the main characters?
It was my garden visitors that inspired the first few characters in the story. I wanted the narrative to get gradually more fantastical (and exhausting for the little boy) as it progressed. The moment the eight kind-eyed wolves show up is the moment when the book switches from the everyday to the imaginary!
How does the experience differ between writing and illustrating, and working solely as an illustrator?
I love both roles, but when you write and illustrate your own story there’s a greater opportunity to keep all the strands of the story open throughout the creative process. I’ve worked with some brilliant authors that have happily made changes to their texts even after the roughs stage, but when you’re both author and illustrator there is never a final cut-off point when the text must be delivered. If you work on both halves at the same time, the text and pictures can inform each other right until the final moment when you click ‘send’ and the book zings off to the publisher.
You’re so well known for your gorgeous author-illustrated work, did you always want to write your own stories?
I think I did always want to, but for a long time didn’t think I had what it took. Working with some top authors at the start of my career helped me shape a way of thinking and of working that was personal to me and gave me the confidence to have a go.
Do you have a preferred medium, tool, or technique that you relied on for this book?
Although I love all the benefits that working digitally gives me, I still like to paint as much of a book as possible. Hopefully it’s the combination of digital and traditional techniques that appeals to people.
Which scene or image from The Biggest Breakfast are you most proud of and why?
I think we achieved something wonderful with the gatefold spread. At the busy climax of the story, the little boy is faced with 255 hungry animals. We were very careful to make sure every featured creature was visible and countable and it naturally made for a very cramped and confusing double page spread. We tried a fews ways of making it work, but discovered the best and most effective solution was to make the spread a whole third wider!
What advice would you give to illustrators who hope to one day write and illustrate their own book?
I’m always reluctant to give advice, but I would just say keep going - keep writing and keep drawing! Keep noting your ideas down and making sketches. You don’t have to share them with anybody and try not to compare them to others. Hide them away in a drawer if you want, but store them all up. There’ll be a glimmer of something brilliant in every idea.
To get your copy of the book, click here.
To work with Richard, get in contact with agent Susan Penny here.